Friday, January 18, 2008

Resturant Week: Y Chomosomes Not Invited

Below are my thoughts on the no-boys-allowedness of Resturant week.

"While I'm annually curshed by the snubs, I can tell you that 1) I don't care what's being served at $75 a plate resturants 2) I don't care to get involved with endless rounds of "where do you want to go," "Well I want to go to one of these three places, we have to pick one of them," "I'm fine with that place but I can't get there until 7:30," "The only reservation we can get is at 10:05" "Yeah! I'm so excited"

Ladies, you can have that drama. Me and boys will stick to the Dollar Menu. I'm Lovin' It!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Task for a Capitol Hill Intern

An uppity intern in a Senate office asked for more challeging work so one of the senior staffers sent her the following list:

  1. Attend the House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing tomorrow at 10 AM on the Administration's Climate Change Perspectives. The hearing is in 2123 RHOB. It would also be helpful if you could write a memo summarizing the salient points of the hearing.
  2. Attend the Congressional Research and Development Caucus Briefing tomorrow at noon on new nuclear technologies. The meeting is in 2168 RHOB. It would also be helpful if you could write a memo summarizing the salient points of the meeting.
  3. A commission, mandated by the 2005 highway law ( PL 109-59), released its long-awaited report Tuesday in which it suggested that the best short-term solution to the nation's infrastructure problems would be to raise gasoline as much as 40 cents a gallon over five years. Please get a copy of that report, and go into a little more detail in a memo on what the Commission used to come to a 40 cent number, as well as what they anticipate it will mitigate.
  4. Please put together a spreadsheet of the nations that use nuclear power for electricity generation, the amount of megawatts it produces, the percentage of overall baseload power it is in their grid, the last time they built a reactor, and any plans they may have for future reactors.

Here are some other tasks for the over achiever

  1. There is a rare flower that grows in the flower beds at Dupont Circle. Walk, don't metro, to the circle, find the flower (I forget which one) and write a memo summarizing the salient points of its rapturous beauty. Because I don't remember the name of the plant, best write a memo for each type of flower you see.
  2. In the catacombs of the Library of Congress there is a rare manuscript of the charter of the Knights Templar. In order to find it, you must answer 3 riddles posed to you by the catacomb guard. Once you correctly answer the riddles, you may be let into the chamber of the manuscript. Only the pure of heart will be able to retrieve it, and and unexpected obstacles lie in the way. On your way back to russell, pick me up an Enviga. If you get me peach, Ill effing kill you.
  3. Calculate the air-speed velocity of a european unlade swallow versus that of an african unladen swallow.
Have you ever wanted to give a hill intern a task? Post some of your favorites.

NPR Post

Check out the All Songs Considered Blog! I contributed to the "A Band to Call Your Own" Post My thoughts are below.

Kilowatts and Vanek (MySpace entered my life in the summer of 2005. I heard the song "Lies" on a DJ album and promptly bought the band's record "RawQ." This Philly/Belgium based band meet over the internet and composed an entire album without meeting each other face to face. Nearly everyone I've exposed their music to has been blown away by their sound. Peter van Ewijk (Vanek) combines ethereal lyrics with silky smooth vocals that are richly textured by Jamie Watts' (Kilowatts) electonica orchestrations. Their music is available on iTunes, and you can find their music on Amazon, but as far as I can tell, I'm one of a few people who has heard this band who surely has mass appeal.

Status Symbol

I love creating a witty G-Chat Status. Here's a look at some of my most resent gems.

G-Chat Status 01/16/2008: Aaron Mosby Enjoys living in that space between Sam's index finger and thumb and is sad for next generation of William and Mary students who will never know what that means. Godspeed Sam Sadler, you will be missed.

G-Chat Status 01/14-15/2008: Aaron Mosby Is walking on sunshine, and admits that it's very hard to keep one's balance on a particle-wave

Friday, January 11, 2008

What Did I Just Say?

What follows is my daily analysis of the emails, IMs, and G-chats I share with friends and colleagues. Through this analysis, the cacophonous click click clicking of the daily scrabble will be crafed into a beautiful symphony.